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4 April, 2024

How Customised Notebooks Can Make Your Corporate Event Memorable

Nowadays screens seem to dominate our daily lives, but the charm of a tangible, personalised item like a customised notebook at a corporate event can leave a lasting impression. They serve not just as functional items, but also as a canvas for branding, creativity, and making a statement. The why and how they can elevate your corporate event to a memorable experience is what I want to chat about in this article.

Personal Touch in a Digital World
In this era where our lives are intricately woven with digital threads, a customised notebook offers a refreshing departure. It's a unique blend of the traditional and the personal. When an attendee receives one tailored specifically for an event, it becomes more than just an item; it's a personal gift, a memento that carries a part of the event's essence. In the physical act of writing, there's a connection formed – one that screen taps and clicks can't replicate. This physical interaction – the feel of the paper, the act of writing – creates a sensory experience that embeds the event deeply in the attendees' memories. It’s a bridge between the ephemeral nature of digital media and the lasting impression of a physical experience, making your event stand out in a sea of digital interactions.

Branding Opportunities

Blank Canvas

They are a canvas for creative branding. They’re not just branded with a logo; they tell a story – your company’s story. Each page can be a subtle reminder of your brand’s ethos, values, and vision. You can integrate your brand elements not just on the cover, but throughout the notebook – in the form of watermarks, footer quotes, or even colour themes that reflect your corporate identity. This continuous exposure to your brand helps in building a deeper connection with the attendees. It’s a way of keeping your brand in their daily life, in a manner that’s both functional and aesthetic. Imagine an attendee using one in different settings – in meetings, at cafes, or at home. Each use is an interaction with your brand, making it a part of their everyday narrative.

Encouraging Engagement
The simple act of writing can significantly boost engagement at events. When attendees use a one to jot down notes, they are actively participating, not just passively listening. This engagement is twofold – it helps in better retention of the information presented and also gives the attendees a sense of involvement. They can also be designed to facilitate this interaction. For instance, including prompts, questions, or dedicated spaces for doodling related to event topics can guide the attendees' thought processes and encourage them to engage more deeply with the content. Furthermore, these notes become a resource for post-event engagement. Attendees can revisit their notes, reflect on the learnings, and even share their insights with others, extending the impact of your event beyond its temporal bounds.

Networking Facilitator


Think of them as your little networking wingmen at these events. Imagine there's a special section in the notebook dedicated just for jotting down new contacts or scribbling quick notes about the cool people you meet. It's like having a mini-directory right at your fingertips, but way more personal and fun.

This little twist turns it into a networking goldmine. As attendees mingle and chat, they can easily jot down names, numbers, or even little tidbits about their new connections. "Met John, loves surfing and has great insights on digital marketing." It’s like creating a personalised roadmap of their networking journey at the event.

And you know what’s even better? This encourages everyone to actually go out there and mingle. It's not just about collecting business cards anymore; it's about making meaningful connections. Attendees are more likely to strike up conversations, knowing they have a handy spot to remember all these new faces and facts.

It turns the whole event into not just a chance to learn, but also to connect and grow your network. And later, when they flip through their notebook, they’re not just revisiting notes from the talks, but also the connections they made. Pretty smart, right?

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Options
Going the eco-friendly route is not just good for the planet; it's a fantastic way to show your attendees that you care about the bigger picture. In a world where we're all becoming more conscious of our environmental impact, choosing sustainable materials for your notebooks speaks volumes about your brand's values.

They're not just practical; they're a statement. It's like saying, "Hey, we're not just here to talk business; we're here to make a difference." Attendees will notice and appreciate that you've gone the extra mile to ensure your event is kinder to the planet.

Plus, they can be really stylish too. Think recycled paper that's smooth to the touch, covers made from sustainable materials, maybe even a few clever, earth-friendly designs thrown in. It's a win-win: your attendees get a cool, useful takeaway, and you get to showcase your commitment to sustainability.

This approach can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to think about how they can make more environmentally friendly choices in their personal and professional lives. It’s a small step, but it sends a powerful message: your brand isn’t just about profit; it’s about responsibility and leading by example. Now, that’s something attendees will remember and respect long after the event is over.

Customisation Options
When it comes to customising them, it’s like having a blank canvas where your imagination can run wild. The options are endless, and each choice lets you inject a bit of your company's personality into these handy little companions.

Let’s start with the cover. You could go for a classic, sophisticated look with an embossed logo that feels luxurious to the touch. Or maybe something bold and colourful that really pops and grabs attention. It's like it is wearing your brand's signature outfit!

Then there’s the binding. Think traditional stitched bindings that give off an artisanal vibe, or maybe a modern spiral binding for easy flipping. It's not just about looks; it's about how it feels in your attendees' hands, how easily they can use it.

And the insides? Well, that’s where the magic really happens. You could have pages made of recycled paper for that eco-friendly touch. Or how about including some pre-printed prompts or motivational quotes that align with your event's theme? It's like each page is nudging the user to think, reflect, and engage.

But why stop there? You could even include sections tailored to the event – maybe an agenda page, a section for notes, or even a little area for doodling during those brainstorming sessions. It’s all about creating one that’s not just a notebook but a mini-guide to your event and a reflection of your brand's ethos.

In short, these customisation options let you create something that’s not just a gift, but a memorable, interactive experience. It’s a way to make sure your attendees don’t just attend your event; they truly experience it.

Memorable Keepsakes

Keepsake - Image courtesy of Etsy

They are more than just a takeaway from an event; they can become cherished keepsakes. When you put in that extra effort to ensure they're high quality and beautifully designed, they transform into something much more meaningful.

When an attendee finishes the event and takes it home, it's not just another item to stash away. Because it's so well made and looks great, it finds a special place on their desk or in their bag. Each time they use it, whether for jotting down a shopping list or planning their next big project, it's like a little flashback to your event.

The beauty of a well-crafted, aesthetically pleasing notebook is that it's not just functional; it's a conversation piece. It's something that the attendee is proud to carry around and show off. "Oh, this old thing? Got it from this fantastic event..." And just like that, the stories, the experiences, and your brand's message get shared and relived.

They become a tangible link to the memories and learnings of the event. Long after the closing remarks, they continue to serve as a reminder of the insights gained and connections made. It’s a subtle, yet powerful way to keep your brand and your message in the minds and hands of your attendees.

In conclusion, these are more than just stationery items; they're a multifaceted tool in your corporate event arsenal. They add a personal touch, enhance branding, encourage engagement, facilitate networking, and can align with eco-friendly values. By investing in them for your corporate event, you create an experience that is memorable, engaging, and reflective of your brand’s identity and values.

The Promotional Products Team