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promotional products

11 April, 2022

What Are The Benefits Of Promotional Product Giveaways?

There are huge benefits to any company to give away promotional products as part of their marketing strategy. It is literally one of the only tools where a company or brand can interact with their customers on a physical level. They can create brand loyalty, along with a memorable experience for the receiver. If you use them as part of a marketing strategy along with other channels such as social media or prize giveaways, they will complement each other and give you many ways to connect with your audience.

The visual aspect of promotional products is one reason they are so effective. In the USA, the national body known as Promotional Products Association Limited did a study which showed 62% of people remember the name of a company after they have received a promotional product. Compare that to radio or television advertising and that is a great ROI on investment. The trick though is giving something useful that people will use over and over again. Each time they use it, they are being reinforced about your brand. Highly visual products are things like bags that people can use for shopping, drink bottles, mugs and pens. These are just a few examples, but people use these almost every day.

Another benefit to promotional products is if you choose the correct one, the receiver also becomes your advertiser. If you give people an umbrella, every time they step out and use it, they are advertising your company to other people. The same goes for shopping bags. Every time someone goes to the shops and uses the bag, your company logo printed on the side will be displayed to everyone passing by. Some of these products are a little more expensive, but when you think about the advertising benefits, it is worth it. Imagine people still using a promotional product you gave out 5 years previously. That means for 5 years that product has been busy advertising your brand. What other advertising can offer that for a one-time cost.

Depending on the product you give away, it can heighten brand loyalty. If you acknowledge long-standing customers with a gift, it enhances their feeling of belonging to your brand. It could be as simple as a travel agency giving a repeat client a nice leather luggage tag on their next booking or perhaps a passport wallet holder. These types of things are useful to the recipient and in their eyes, they are being acknowledged as a valuable client.

You can increase sales by offering a free giveaway with purchase. This has always been an effective marketing tool. You can either offer a direct gift on any purchase of your product or perhaps entice people to spend “X’ amount of dollars and they receive a gift. This has been incredibly successful for the cosmetic industry, but equally effective for restaurants and hospitality venues. Even food distribution companies have used it to great effect. Campbell's soup runs a promotion quite often in wintertime for a free soup mug on certain purchases of their soup brands. Firstly, it entices new people to the brand to try a soup to get the free mug. If they like the soup, it then gives Campbells a new customer for many years to come who they never had before. It’s a great way for them to market themselves as they are rewarding customers who have used their soup for years, plus brings new customers onboard and every time they use it at home, they are also reminded of the brand.

There are so many ways promotional products can benefit a company. Free gifts are always appreciated by people and it leaves them with a favourable impression of your business. Incorporate them into your next marketing strategy. We are sure you won’t be disappointed.

The Promotional Products Team