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desk calendars

24 July, 2024

Custom Desk Calendars: Keeping Your Brand in Sight All Year Round

Today's subject is not just a cracking good idea but also a fantastic way to keep your brand front and centre all year round - custom desk calendars. Now, you might be thinking, "In this digital age, who needs a physical calendar?" Well, you'd be surprised! Desk calendars are not only practical but also a fantastic marketing tool.

Why Desk Calendars are the Bee's Knees
They're not just your average Joe of marketing tools; they're a little bit special.

- Visibility All Year Round: They are the unsung heroes of the marketing world, mates. They're a constant presence in your client's daily life. Imagine your client is on a phone call, they glance down, and bam – there's your brand, catching their eye. Whether it's a hectic day at the office or a quiet one, your calendar is always there, subtly reminding them of your presence. And it's not just a fleeting moment; your brand gets this exposure every day of the year. That's like having a mini-billboard on their desk!

2. Practicality Plus: In our tech-savvy world, it stands its ground. It's a bit like the trusty old ute – reliable and gets the job done without any fuss. Your clients don’t need to worry about charging it or updating its software. They can jot down their meetings, their mate’s birthday, or their kid's footy finals, all on your calendar. It’s a constant in their daily routine, reminding them of your brand every time they make a note or check a date. Practical and promotional – a beaut combination!

3. Customisation is Key: This is where you can let your imagination run wild, like a kangaroo bounding across the outback. Customisation turns a standard one into a storytelling tool for your brand. Think of it as your canvas – every month is a new page to showcase what makes your brand tick. Want to highlight your eco-friendly practices? Feature stunning snaps of Aussie nature. Got a fun-loving brand personality? How about quirky illustrations or jokes? It’s not just dates and days; it’s a year-long journey with your brand’s flavour in every page.

4. Affordable Marketing: Now, let's talk dosh. In the world of marketing, getting bang for your buck is as important as finding a good snag at a barbie. Desk calendars are the economical choice when you're playing the long game. They’re like the trusty vegemite jar – lasts ages and is good value. Instead of splurging heaps on flash-in-the-pan ads that might be here today, gone tomorrow, these are the steady, ongoing reminder of your brand. They're a one-off cost that keeps your brand in the limelight all year, which is a pretty savvy investment!

How to Make Your Calendar Stand Out

How to Make Your Calendar Stand Out

1. Eye-Catching Design: First up, it needs to grab attention like a kangaroo at a beach party. We're talking about a design that makes people do a double take. Use colours that pop like a bright Coral Reef scene. Your images? They should be as crisp as a cool morning in the Blue Mountains. And the design? As unique as a platypus. Tailor it to mirror what your brand stands for. Maybe it's as vibrant and lively as a Melbourne laneway, or as serene and calming as the waves at Bondi. Every time someone glances atit, they should feel like they’re seeing your brand in all its glory. Make it a feast for the eyes!

2. Useful Content: Now, it's not all about looking pretty. YIt should be as useful as a swiss army knife. We're talking about adding the nitty-gritty details that matter in everyday life. Public holidays? Chuck 'em in. School term dates? Absolutely. Industry-specific dates, like financial year end or major trade shows? Gold! This transforms it from a simple date tracker to a go-to resource. When your client relies on it for this info, you're not just in their line of sight; you're also in their daily life.

3. Quality Matters: Let's face it, nobody wants one that falls apart faster than a pavlova in the sun. Your calendar needs to be tough – it’s going to be flipped, written on, and looked at every day. So, invest in good quality paper that doesn’t curl at the edges. The printing should be top-notch, so the colours stay true all year, not fading faster than summer tan lines. A quality one says, "We care about the details," reflecting how you do business.

4. Personal Touch: Last but definitely not least, add a dash of personalisation. It’s like adding a secret ingredient to your favourite recipe. Imagine a client seeing their name on one, or a special message tailored just for them. It transformsit from a standard corporate gift to something that says, "We know you, we value you." It’s a small touch, but it can turn your calendar into a keepsake, not just a tool.

Get Creative with Themes

Get Creative with Themes

This is where you can make your calendar as exciting as a surf at Bondi Beach!

1. Seasonal Themes: Imagine your calendar is a year-long road trip through Australia's stunning seasons. Start with summer, showcasing those golden, sun-kissed beaches where the waves are as inviting as a cold drink on a hot day. Then, as autumn rolls in, take them through the Dandenong Ranges, where the leaves put on a colour show that'd make the Sydney Mardi Gras look subdued. In winter, maybe a serene scene of the Snowy Mountains, with snow gums standing proud in a frosty wonderland. And let's not forget spring, where the wildflowers in Western Australia bloom like nature’s own fireworks display. Each page turns and bam – your client is immersed in the beauty of Aussie seasons, courtesy of your brand.

2. Local Landmarks: Now, think about giving it a touch of iconic Australia. Each month, showcase a landmark that's as recognisable as a Vegemite jar in a pantry. January could feature the Sydney Opera House, looking majestic as the New Year's fireworks explode over the harbour. Fast forward to June, and there’s Uluru, bathed in the warm, soft light of a winter sunset. And for December, how about the Great Barrier Reef, teeming with life and colour? It’s like taking your clients on a tour of Australia without them having to leave their desk. Talk about a great convo starter!

3. Fun and Quirky: Let’s not forget to have a bit of a laugh, too. Ever thought of a kangaroo doing the downward dog? Or a koala in a meditative pose? Imagine ‘Aussie Animals Doing Yoga’ – it’s fun, it’s unique, and it’s bound to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Or, celebrate the ingenious Aussie spirit with ‘Famous Australian Inventions’ – from the humble Hills Hoist to Wi-Fi technology. It’s a way to add a bit of Aussie humour and pride, making your calendar not just a date tracker, but a conversation piece and a source of daily chuckles.

Whether you're showcasing the changing seasons, taking a tour of Aussie landmarks, or adding a bit of quirky fun, it can be a journey through the heart and soul of Australia. It's not just about keeping dates; it's about telling a story that resonates with your clients all year round. So, let your creativity run wild like a dingo in the outback, and watch as it becomes more than just paper and ink – it becomes a storytelling masterpiece!

Year-Round Boost for Your Biz

So who could really jazz up their marketing game with custom calendars? You want your business to stick in your customers' minds like gum on a hot pavement. So, here's a list of 10 types of businesses that could turn one into a marketing goldmine:

1. Cafes and Restaurants: Imagine showcasing your mouth-watering dishes month by month. January could be all about fresh summer salads, while June warms up with a hearty soup. It's like giving customers a menu that lasts all year!

2. Travel Agencies: Here's a chance to whisk people away on a dreamy holiday without leaving their desk. February in Paris, July in the Maldives – each month, a new destination. It's like planting travel seeds that could blossom into bookings.

3. Garden Centres and Landscaping Services: A calendar full of blooming gardens, lush lawns, and happy houseplants? Yes, please! It’s a great way to show off your green thumb and remind folks when it's time to repot or prune.

4. Pet Stores and Veterinary Clinics: Who doesn't love one full of furry friends? Each month could feature pets that have been adopted, offer pet care tips, or showcase your products. It’s pawsitively perfect!

5. Fitness Centres and Personal Trainers: Motivate your clients year-round. Think workout tips for July or healthy holiday recipes for December. It's like a personal trainer on their wall.

6. Real Estate Agencies: Showcase stunning properties or give monthly home maintenance tips. It's a way to stay in sight when someone decides it’s time to buy or sell.

7. Car Dealerships: Zoom into the new year with one featuring shiny models or car care tips. It’s like taking clients for a spin in their dream car every month.

8. Hair and Beauty Salons: Feature hairstyles, beauty tips, or seasonal make-up trends. It's a way to keep clients thinking about their next appointment.

9. Photography Studios: Show off your snazzy snaps – whether it’s breathtaking landscapes or beautiful portraits. It's a portfolio that hangs on the wall all year!

10. Florists: Brighten up each month with stunning flower arrangements. Remind clients of key dates like Valentine's Day or Mother's Day to pre-order bouquets.

Using them for promotion is like a boomerang – you send them out, and they bring customers back. They're practical, they're visual, and they keep your brand in sight every day. Plus, they're a fun way to remind customers about what makes your business special.

Wrapping It Up
So there you have it! Custom desk calendars are more than just a way to keep track of dates. They're a clever, cost-effective way to keep your brand in sight and in mind. Whether you’re a small start-up or a big corporation, a well-designed one can make a significant impact. So, go ahead, give it a burl and see the difference it can make for your brand.

Remember, folks, in a world where digital is king, sometimes a touch of the traditional can make your brand truly stand out.

The Promotional Products Team