Search Results
Die Struck High Polish

Cloisonne Imitation8 items

Die Struck Antique8 items

Die Struck High Polish8 items

Die Struck Iron8 items

Die Struck Sandblast8 items

Die Struck Soft Enamel8 items

Flashing Pin Badges37 items

Photo Dome8 items
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15mm Promo High Polish Pins are ideal for those on a budget
from $5.65 to $1.35 ea
50 min qty
20mm Custom High Polish Lapel Pins feature both raised and recessed areas
from $5.70 to $1.40 ea
50 min qty
25mm Specialty High Polish Pins are ideal for service recognition awards
from $5.75 to $1.45 ea
50 min qty
30mm Promotional High Polish Lapel Pins offer silver, gold or copper plate finishes
from $5.80 to $1.50 ea
50 min qty
35mm Promo High Polish Lapel Pins can be packaged in boxes, pouches or cards
from $5.85 to $1.55 ea
50 min qty
40mm Customised High Polish Lapel Pins create an expensive look and feel
from $5.90 to $1.95 ea
50 min qty
45mm High Polish Lapel Pins are ideal for designs without any colour
from $5.95 to $2.20 ea
50 min qty
50mm Branded High Polish Lapel Pins have a high perceived value
from $6.00 to $2.25 ea
50 min qty
How they're made - Leave a lasting impression with any of our high polish corporate lapel pins. These pins are polished with a special technique that ensures both sunken and risen areas are polished which creates an expensive look for your lapel pins. They’re plated with either gold, silver or copper plates and are very popular among companies of all sorts.
Leave it to these super shiny lapel badges to catch the attention of those you’re seeking to attract.

Cloisonne Imitation8 items

Die Struck Antique8 items

Die Struck High Polish8 items

Die Struck Iron8 items

Die Struck Sandblast8 items

Die Struck Soft Enamel8 items

Flashing Pin Badges37 items

Photo Dome8 items