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540ml Balloon Wine Glass

Product Code: PP010910
540ml Balloon Wine Glass

Pricing & Branding Options


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Fill up these mega Personalised 540ml Balloon Wine Glasses with your company message. A huge glass for those who take their drinking seriously! Also ideal for companies that take their branding seriously too. The bowl is large enough for your logo, name, message and more! Make sure you are seen and not forgotten. These high quality glasses feature a rounded balloon shape and hold 540ml.

Printing Techniques
Print prices shown are for our standard print and cured in low fire ovens. This means it is not dishwasher safe and is recommended for hand wash only. For print permanency we can also offer a decal print that is high fired and guaranteed dishwasher safe. Please check with our sales team for pricing.


Product Sizes

Size: 197mm(h) x 82mm(ø)
Capacity: 540ml



The above colours & measurements are approximate & for guidance only

Additional Info

Ordering In Case Lots

To ensure your items arrive safely, we accept only case lot orders in multiples of 12

Additional Product Info

  1. Prices are subject to change at any time and without prior notice.
  2. Prices shown are based on the client supplying suitable artwork.
  3. Freight is additional to prices shown and will be charged at cost.

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